Memory Game

Earth Day Everyday

"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors —we borrow it from our children. "

Volunteer in NC Area Volunteer National

  • High School Eco- Crew
    2912B Jones Ferry Road, Chapel Hill, NC, 27516

  • The Scrap Exchange
    2050 Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC 27707

  • Second Chance Animal
    6003 Chapel Hill Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607

  • Piedmont Wildlife Center
    364 Leigh Farm Rd, Durham, NC 27707
  • Keep America Beautiful:

  • World Wide Fund for Nature:

  • Earth Justice

  • National Wildlife Foundation

  • 1 / 6
    Approximately 28,000 species are expected
    to become extinct by 2040 due
    to deforestation
    2 / 6
    Animal populations are inhibited by
    toxic substances, vehicles, and the
    loss of habitat and food sources due to
    rapid urban development.
    3 / 6
    Inhaling air pollution takes
    way at least 1-2 years of a typical human life.
    4 / 6
    Only 12% of the world’s population breathe clean air.
    The Earth is running out of breathable air, very quickly.
    5 / 6
    Over one million seabirds are
    killed by ocean pollution each year.
    6 / 6
    People assumed that all pollutants
    would be diluted and get disappeared.
    But in reality, they have not disappeared
    and their effects can be easily seen as they have
    entered the food chain.

    About Us

    Hello, Lovelies! We are two rising seniors who are deeply passionate about the environment. Our mission is to reach people and educate them on the environment. So many are oblivious to Earth's issues. By creating an interactive websites, we make it fun to learn new things.